Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I have too much energy.  I can't sleep.  I may go to Walgreen's here in a bit and grab a NeuroSleep.  Those things rock.

I have too much energy and part of it comes from spending the evening with the Austin TNG group at their south munch.  It's about 4 blocks from my house at a pretty cool bar.  I hung out with friends, caught up with them, consulted on a couple of trivia questions.

One really hot girl, who I adore - both her and her male partner are just sexy as hell and smart and delightful to be around - asked if I would tie her up at the next TNG party.  Sure, why not.  I tried not to salivate openly.  So then it became tying her up so he could beat on her and then it became tying her so we could beat on her.  Oh, yeah, just kept getting better and better.

Met a few new people, folks I haven't met during my time 'away' and had some good conversations with them. That's always nice, getting to know someone new and looking for those areas of commonality.

Then, the Super Sexy girl came by with a scarf and I tied her up, attaching her wrists to her neck in a 10 second tie.  It was fun, it was hot, it was sexy.  I love impromptu scenes and ones which take place in bars and other public spaces are especially hornifying!

Then I had a more serious conversation with someone who has been a dear friend to SJ and I for a number of years.  He's one of the most optimistic and least judgmental people I know.  I enjoy his company so much and this was a great opportunity for us to connect on some new levels.

Finished the night discussing a fund raising idea I had a few months ago.  I look forward to how this all pans out and how it develops.  Should be one of the most kick-ass, original ideas for a fundraiser ever!  I wouldn't be surprised if this makes this one guy famous.  It has such awesome potential.

Came home, responded to a few things on FL, and had a really fascinating conversation with this lit professor that went on for almost an hour.  He asked intelligent questions and we ended up having a really fabulous discussion.

Followed that with some great emails with friends, sharing what's been going on and how I'm doing and finding out how they are.  Good stuff, important stuff, mundane and tawdry stuff.  All good stuff.

So you can see, can't you, why I can't sleep yet.  Too much good stuff all came to me in the last 4 hours or so.  Yep, I think I'll run to Walgreens and get some NeuroSleep.  Got a big  day tomorrow - my first Zumba class!  Yay!

bounce bounce bounce ~ KM Kern

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