Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My luv is like a red, red rose

I am the most blessed person to be loved by so many wonderful, amazing people.

For my Liz, my love, my forever girl...Thank you for always being the rational sounding board counter-balancing my irrationalities.  Thank you for listening, for hearing and for speaking from your heart.  You inspire me to aspire!

For my pixie, my sweet, my first girl...Thank you for shining and giggling and twirling and always, always, always lending a helping hand before I think to ask and before I know I need it.  You inspire me to rejoice!

For my Elle, my purrer, my funny girl...Thank you for letting your light shine, for speaking your mind, for opening your heart and listening with both.  Thank you for these wonderful beginning bonds of familial and familiar love.  You inspire me to explore!

For my CJ, my friend, my Daddy...Thank you for your belief in me, in my beauty, and for your strong embrace which reassures me that everything will be better, and for your love which surrounds me through each and every contact - text, phone, music, and touch.  Thank you for dizzying heights of orgasmic bliss and tender caresses of caring love.  You inspire me to dance!

I am blessed to know each of you, to have you in my life, and to be inspired in these and so many other ways, each and every day.

Grateful for all the roses which bloom in my garden ~ fairer

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Daddy danced with me

My Daddy danced with me this morning.  Out of the blue and out of the mists, he came by and moments after opening the door, he had swept me in his arms, kissed me passionately, kissed me sweetly, kissed me tenderly, kissed me with his whole body, his whole being, as he is wont to do.

Daddy pulled me close to him, his arms gathering me within his strong embrace and he danced with me.

We moved as one, our hearts beating, breathing in unison, stepping and swaying, so quietly, so entwined, as Amy Winehouse sang of love.

This is a new and wonderful relationship, Daddy and me.  I find I relish every moment, each interaction, each emoticon he creates and he creates in me such wonder, for how is it that I was blessed with this, this friendship, this relationship, this man, this Daddy.

He is loving and caring and nurturing and he is perverted and sexual and powerful and he takes my breath away with a sentence and then with his hand so much so that the air I breath comes from him and fills me with a light I would not have believed possible.  My imagination, my creativity, my wonder and awe at all the possibilities this world holds have become limitless both in scope and power and I feel free to explore in ways I've never known.

There is a permissiveness in his love which allows me to explore all the wonderful dreams of what might be and how immense my options are which is tempered by this knowledge that no matter what happens, good - bad - otherwise - missteps and mistakes, my Daddy is here with a welcoming and ready embrace to rejoice in my joys, comfort my woes, guide my way and love me unrelentingly.

Relentless love, it is love without fear and without judgment and without ceasing.  There is a quality to this man which bespeaks of great willingness to both inspire and be inspired.  Ours is a two-way street of dreams.

For all of my adult life, I have been the care giver in relationships, the one tending to the needs of the other.  In his, he has too.  What a gift to find someone who cares and cares for me!  For him as well.  I told him that sometimes Daddy needs pampering too.

I long to serve him, to fetch his slippers when he comes home from work, to make his coffee in the morning, to bring him breakfast in bed, to bathe him and worship him and adore him with every fiber of my being and every ounce of my strength and every beating of my heart.  I long for this in a way that is both familiar and foreign.

The desire to serve is familiar.  In many ways, I believe that service is a primary calling for me.  The need to serve the needs of another is simply part of my being, as natural as the next breath.  The desire to serve him is foreign because I've never had someone take care of me before, not on this scale and to this extent.  I've never been with a man who thought of me first, from a nurturing and controlling aspect.  Ceding control to him is like sharing a coke with Mean Joe Green.  It's not that you don't want your coke, you do, but you can see that it will be better, a 'good' will occur, for both parties, when you give your coke away, when you cede control of the coke to Mean Joe Green.  And you do, without hesitation and without reservation, and I've discovered with Daddy, that the rewards are beyond even the value of a Hall of Fame, Superbowl winning, Pittsburgh Steelers' Jersey.

Awakening the knowledge and belief that I am sexy and beautiful and desirable and attractive and inspiring and responsive and caring and loving and empathetic and supportive and so many other awarenesses that he has awakened, so many other belief bonfires rekindled, so that I am ablaze with renewed confidence.

I love my Daddy.

~ His babyboo